In three days, on November 5th, twenty-eight years ago, Anne and I were voted in as the pastor and wife of
the Bacon’s Castle Church family. I was young—twenty- seven years
old—very idealistic and hopeful. I’d like to believe I still am but I
know all these years have tempered me with a dose of realism. It’s hard
for me to believe that I’ve lived longer in Surry than all other places

I guess personally, I’m most
grateful to God and to you for the friendships and relationships that He has
given me over my years of serving. For almost three decades I’ve walked
alongside some men and women who have become as close to me as brothers, sisters, and friends can become. Thomas Aquinas
said, “There is nothing on earth to be more prized than true friendship.” There
is little for which I am more grateful than you my friends, my family.
As I reflected on being your
pastor all these years, gratefulness for how you’ve loved and treated my family
overwhelms me. You’ve loved my Anne and my
kids—my family. You’ve treated them as
your own. Many of you have invested time
and training in their lives. You’ve prayed
for them, supported them in their endeavors-- from high school sports, to college, to careers. I think some of you have
loved them as much as Anne and I have!
I’m grateful for how you’ve
followed my leadership. I wish I were a
stronger and better leader—I think our church might reflect that today if I
were. But what leadership gifts I do
have, you have supported and nurtured.
In the early years, when I was young and you didn’t know me, we had some
struggles. And, not that along the way we’ve
never had any others; but mostly over the years you’ve trusted my heart, and
that will always mean more to me than I can ever express.
This is humbling to admit,
but I’m thankful for all the times you’ve forgiven me when I’ve dropped the
ball or let you down. In these last
twenty-eight years I’ve had plenty of chances to mess up, even hurt you, and
far too many times I’ve done just that but yet, so many of you have stood by
me, forgiven me, and even encouraged me nonetheless. Anne alluded to it the other Sunday when she
shared, but the hardest part for me as a pastor has been to watch people leave
our family for this reason or that. I’m
sure that some have legitimate grievances with me—my sin may have hurt them—but
so many of you have not let that deter us or destroy our love or our church family. You’ve pardoned me and loved me
and I’m grateful for that forgiveness.
I could definitely go on with
this, for there is so much more that makes me grateful as I think of Bacon’s
Castle. Your love for our guests when
they come, your love for children and your desire to be a church committed to
God’s Word and His Will are just a few of the things that make me
thankful. But when I think back over
the last twenty-eight years I’m so very grateful to God for the opportunity He’s given me to have a part in what He’s been doing in your lives. God has given me the privilege of leading
some of you to know and trust Christ, and those opportunities came to me because I
am a pastor—not all of them but many of them.
He’s given me the chance to pour my life into many of yours, to help you
learn and grow in your walk with Jesus.
As a pastor, He’s allowed me to be there and cry with you when it hurts
and laugh with you when the joy is overwhelming. It’s a privilege for which I’ll always be
thankful to Him.
People often ask me if I’ll
stay here with the Bacon’s Castle family until I die. That I don’t know. Who knows, there may come a time when you and
I think it is best that I step aside from being a pastor. But this I do know, no matter what the future
holds, I’ll always be grateful for this privilege that’s been mine.
Congratulations my friend!
One of the highlights of my Christian walk has to be shepherded by you in this family. Thanks!
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