So, how should I respond to this moral change? What should I do about the cultural revolution? I am first and foremost a follower of Jesus, so I'd like to address my thoughts to those of you who consider yourselves the same. Everywhere I turn, I hear and read things that I believe bring dishonor to Jesus from those of us who claim the name of Jesus. I hear responses that just simply shouldn't come from us who follow Jesus the Christ. I realize some of you will push back and say, "We're also Americans." Yes we are, but that in no way subjugates or diminishes our responsibility to follow Jesus and respond as He would want us to. Let me admonish you to respond in three ways.
First, don't despair. Maybe I should say, stop despairing. I hear often how we have departed from the good old days and there is no hope for America. Lest you think I’m unpatriotic, let me say I love our country. God has greatly used America for the evangelization of the world, but in God's plan it has never been about America. However you feel about the nation of Israel and God's eternal plan, America was never like Israel. Most of us believe that however God brings about the return of His Son, at the end of time the whole world will have turned against Christ and His people. I hate to say it, but that includes even America. Here's my point--God's got this! Wherever our nation ultimately lands, God is still directing this world to the conclusion that He desires. We may wring our hands in despair, but we don't need to. God isn't. Even if the worst case scenario were to unfold in America--Bernie Sanders were to win the Presidency, and we become a socialist or communist nation where religious expression is at first ridiculed then marginalized and ultimately suppressed--we don't need to despair. Have you not heard? Don't you know? "God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne" (Psalm 47:8).
Second, love the lost. Actually Jesus goes further. He even says love your enemies. If there is one characteristic of God that God Himself seems to accentuate, it's His love. God is love, He tells us. It amazes me that so many of us who claim to be His followers believe we have a right to be extremely unloving. I think we believe the nature of the issue gives us that right; or maybe it's the unloving hearts of those we oppose, but whatever it is, it's wrong. We follow the One who told us not to take up personal offense against others. We follow the One who willingly gave His life and then prayed, "Father forgive them because they don't know what they are doing." If there is anyone who should love those who oppose the truth or who oppose us, it is us, the followers of Jesus. Our language and our tone should be one of civility and respect. Instead, social media is filled with Christ followers whose tone and language, most likely driven by fear and despair, is discourteous, angry and hostile. At times I dare say most covered by the media seem almost dripping with hatred. Such things should not be known among us who follow the Lord Jesus.
Third, speak the truth. I was thinking, as I was writing, that some might not even get to this third point because they will disagree with the first two and stop reading. One thing we must continue to do as those who follow Jesus is speak the truth. We need to speak it in love, as we are admonished by the Apostle Paul, but speak it we must. Everywhere around me I see those who claim to follow Jesus embracing the errors and immorality of this modern, moral revolution. Main line churches are embracing homosexuality and transgenderism as normative or neutral behaviors, when God clearly says they are not. We see Christians everywhere embracing no fault divorce, abortion, and sexual expression with no boundaries as perfectly acceptable when God unequivocally says that is not. As western Christians, privileged with so much materially, we are prone to call our greed, materialism and indifference to injustice as "blessings from God," when God expressly says such things are contrary to His heart. In an increasingly befuddled society, it is more important than ever that we speak with moral clarity. Take every opportunity to speak truth. Challenge those who are leading in this revolution. Let it be known that even if all your friends believe that living together is the smart and right thing to do, it is not what God designed or created. Say clearly that even if the State says two men can marry, it is not marriage as God designed and created. Do not cower away from speaking truth, but also make sure people walk away from you having experienced the kind of love and respect they may have never encountered before.
So, no matter where this cultural and moral revolution leads, let's do these three things. Let’s not despair, let’s love the lost and let’s speak the truth.
Amen. Very well said . Always a good reminder that God is in control and while we can and should speak the truth, the tone and attitude in which we approach it should be with LOVE .
Excellent words
I like those three points
EXCELLENT MESSAGE ! FAR TOO OFTEN we are seeing Christian or so-called "Christian" writings who are giving gross distortions. Many "water things down" to create the impression that "anything goes". Many others from the "opposite extreme" attack the immorality with severe "acidic" attacks. And with no cpmpassion; they forget that "there but for the grace of GOD I would be doing the same." We need to pay close attantion at the above message---and ACT ACCORDINGLY. YES let us remember the THREE POINTS. THEY GO TOGETHER. Far too often ONE of the 3 points is abused to DENY the other two. The THREE GO TOGETHER. LET US PRAY AND LIVE ACCORDINGLY. TONY a brother in Christ from the UK now living in Buenos Aires.
Tony, no se como responder a tu post pero soy del Uruguay! Aprecio tus palabras de animo.
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