Jesus once asked a group of people who claimed to be His followers, "Why do you call me Lord, but don't do what I say" (Luke 6:46)? I remember as a young man, that question had a profound impact on my life because I would have said that I was a Christian; but I also knew there was much that Jesus said and did that I wasn't doing and had no intention of doing. Now, as a pastor for all these years, I find it so troubling that many people who I know claim to follow Jesus, invest such little effort in that following. Actually, other than claiming to follow Jesus, there hasn't been much change in how they live, what they do, or how they relate to God or others. Their love for God and others isn't seen in what they do or what they say. Did you know that God has an expectation, a goal for each one of us who follow Jesus? Here it is--God is committed to our changing and being conformed to the person who Jesus is. What that means is God desires us to think like Jesus thought, behave like Jesus behaved, and love like Jesus loved. Paul, that early Christian leader, said to the Galatian Christians, "I labor until Christ is formed in you" (Galatians 4:19). We are to be like Jesus.
Well, how does this transformation to be like Jesus take place? Who's responsible for it? The truth is that God is--and we are. Some folks want to make it one or the other, and people often get out of balance; but Paul makes it pretty clear that God is working and we should be working toward the goal of being like Jesus. Philippians 2:12-13 says, "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Depend on God whose Spirit indwells you and empowers you, but also recognize your role.
So back to my original question, why are so many of us not being changed? Why is there so little difference in us now from the time we began to follow Jesus? Well we know that God isn’t failing in His part, so the issue must be with us. I want to suggest three reasons why we don't change.
We operate on the basis of felt needs rather than faith. I've noticed something in my observation of professing Christians, and I've noticed it in my own struggles. We tend to do only the things that we feel like we need to do. We are feeling driven rather than faith driven. Faith says I believe that God's greatest desire for me--and consequently that which would be for my greatest good-- is to be like Jesus; therefore, I'm going to do what God calls me to do whether I feel like it or not. Feelings, on the other hand says, how do I feel about that? Do I feel like I need to do that? And if our feelings don't want to do it, we don't. If our feelings are up to it, we may do it. Let's face it everyone--we've bought into the consumer-driven mentality of our culture that says it's all about me, and if I don't feel like it, I won't do it. Jesus wasn't like that, and we shouldn't be either. Jesus said to God the Father, "Not my will but yours be done." Let me put that in our everyday context. When my feelings say: I don't need to love that person, or I don't need to share my resources, or I don't need to invest that time in serving others, or I don't need to do that task, or I don't need to pull aside to meet with God one on one, my faith says yes you do. We should walk by faith, not feelings.
We are not willing to put in the hard work necessary. Maybe this is another way of saying our feelings rule. In the last part of Hebrews 5 the author says that maturity, or what I would call Christlikeness, comes about through practice which trains the senses to discern good and evil. Did you catch that? Maturity comes through practice. Practice is hard and arduous work. The world champion platform diver Tom Daley didn't even make it to the finals, and the commentators were suggesting it was because he added a new dive only one and half years ago. They stated that might not have been enough time to learn it, yet he practices daily. Remember what Paul said? "Work out your salvation." Becoming like Jesus takes work on our part. It is daily practicing to walk in His steps. I don't always get it right, but I work hard at it. Let me ask you, believer in the Lord Jesus, how hard are you willing to work at being conformed to the image of Jesus? The Olympians work hard for a piece of gold and earthly glory--are you willing to work that hard to hear our Father say, "Well done!"?
We fail to invest in our minds. Paul made it clear, "Don't be conformed to this world but be transformed." Obviously, he meant transformed into the image of Jesus, and then he goes on to tell us exactly how to do it. He says "by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:1-2). Furthermore the Bible makes it clear, "As a man thinks in himself, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). This is why our worldview, how we think about the world, affects every area of our lives. Let me be the first to admit that changing the way I think doesn't often feel like a felt need; and if you have ever tried to change your thinking, you know it's hard work. Most of us have ingrained patterns of thought that have been with us since childhood and changing them is never easy. But how do I do that? How do I change my thinking? How do I even know where my thinking needs to change? Someone said to me the other day, "Jimmy, you don't know what you don't know," and they were so right. Now remember, the goal is to be like Jesus and think like Jesus; so if I'm going to change my mind, I need do the hard work of reading Jesus' thoughts, seeking to understand Jesus, and then by faith adopting His mindset. But don't just read to read; read to understand, and if you are His follower, read so you can begin to think like Jesus. If this is new to you, start reading one of the first four books of the New Testament--they contain much of what Jesus said and did. Read other too-- followers of Jesus who can help you understand Jesus. Ask someone you trust to teach you what Jesus thought.
Even as I type these words I hear God's Spirit asking me, "Jimmy, are you willing to do the hard work of transformation? Are you willing to stop being led by your feelings and instead be led by your faith in me? Are you willing to let Me change your mind as you continue to understand My thinking? Are you willing to let Me change you all the more?" I imagine God will bring me back here again to these same questions, maybe many times, but in this moment my emphatic answer is, "I am." What's your answer?
Showing posts with label #christianhypocrites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #christianhypocrites. Show all posts
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Sunday, October 04, 2015
"Christians are such hypocrites!"

As followers of Jesus we teach that we should submit to God's will. We believe that God reveals His nature, character and will in the Bible so we seek to surrender ourselves to what God desires of us. In other words, when Jesus called us to follow Him we believe He meant for us to live like Him, and more specifically, we believe it meant for us to follow the morality that God has delineated in the Scriptures. We truly want to live the morality the Bible lays out for us.
But what I just said is really the second half of our message-- the outflow of the first and primary piece. The central message of a Christian's faith is that he or she is selfish and thus a sinful person. We are all morally flawed and thus rightly and consequently under the judgment of a righteous God. You may manage to be more moral than me, but you still fall short of moral perfection-- especially morality as God delineates in His Bible. Moral failure includes selfishness as lived out in lying, stealing, bitterness, lust and murder. We tend to compare ourselves and say, "As long as I'm better than most, God will accept me, forgive me, because he obviously grades on a curve." Unfortunately He doesn't grade on a curve; just one sin is enough to condemn us before this perfect, righteous, loving God.
So the Christian good news begins by understanding the bad-- I need help. I can't earn God's forgiveness by being better than others. You may have heard the old joke of the two friends who come upon a grizzly bear and one starts to put on his tennis shoes. "You can't outrun that bear!" says one friend. "I don't have to", replies the other. "All I have to do is outrun you!" That's not how God's justice works. The 'grizzly bear' of God's justice will run us all down-- we need a Savior.
The good news the Christian puts his hope in is that God so loved him (and all of us) that He sent a Savior-- Himself. Jesus as God came and lived a morally perfect life and then gave up that morally perfect life in exchange for my morally sinful and flawed life. In dying for me, both physically and spiritually, Jesus became my Savior! Because of Jesus all my sin is forgiven. Not by my merit. Not because now I'm perfect but because I trust in Him to be my substitute. By faith I rely upon His love and His work for me.
Why would anyone believe that? Really for one reason only. Because the testimony of many a man and woman is that Jesus proved it by rising from the dead. They killed him by hanging him on a cross and they buried Him and thought that was that, but history says it wasn't. On Friday afternoon He dies and on Sunday morning He walks out of the grave. The resurrection of Jesus, that truth and that reality, changed history without coercion and force. That truth is still changing men and women's lives today.
We're back full circle to where I started from. Because Jesus is now my Savior, I want to follow Him. I want to live as God desires me to live. I still fall woefully short. I'm still capable, and even struggle with, wanting to be just as selfish as I ever was. But nonetheless, God has given me a new heart and His Spirit to help me-- there will be a change. Not a perfect change, but a change. I will be more like Jesus.
But here's where I had the 'a-ha' moment-- people outside the church hear us talking about this change and our desire to follow Jesus and be Biblically moral men and women, and without understanding the primary piece, they think that being a Christian simply means seeking to live as moral people. That conception is reinforced in their minds as they see Christians fight vociferously and politically for Biblical morality. And then-- then they see us fail. They watch us fail morally in about every way a person can fail. They even see those Christians who have been most vocal about God's declared morality fail, or maybe I should say they especially see those who are most vocal fail. And because they believe the Christian life is merely about living morally-- they see us as hypocrites. Think about it for a minute; if you thought Christianity was simply about following a moral code, and you saw people who preach and promote that code fail often and openly, wouldn't you think we are all hypocrites too?
So I conclude this note with two challenges. To the Christ follower I want to urge you to do your best to help people understand the heart of our Christian faith. It's not about being moral. We can't be moral so as to earn God's forgiveness or eternal life. Jesus died to give us what we need-- He rose from the dead to prove He had succeeded. Be careful not to confuse the message.

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