Our text for today was Luke 4:31-44. First I'm going to simply record my observations.
- They were amazed because his teaching was different– he taught with an authority they were not used to.
- The demon said “us” but the text refers to him in the singular. There must have
been more than one of them.
- The demon went to synagogue!
- The demon screamed out as loud as he could? Why?
- News spread of him all around.
- Not out of place to ask Jesus to heal Simon’ mom.
- Simon Peter was married.
- Healed, she began to serve.
- He constantly told the demons to be quiet because they knew who he was. Why?
- Early in the morning, Jesus got a lone. Why?
- Jesus wouldn’t plant himself in one spot– He was sent to all the people.
- Why did Jesus tell the demon to shut up? I guess we’ll never know for sure but it seems he either didn’t want a frenzy or he wanted folks to come to that conclusion on their own. Whenever the Messiah thing bubbled to the top, he was often mobbed with people.
- Why would the demon scream so loud? Exactly the opposite reason. He obviously wouldn’t want Jesus to succeed so why announce the great truth? Because a frenzy would rob Jesus of an opportunity to present truth in a way that people would understand and get it.
- Conclusion: It was so important to Jesus to communicate truth is such a way that people could get it. Without huge distractions.
- Why did Jesus go out early? No distractions. Could be alone, away from the demands of people. We all need time alone to replenish and restore. Time with God. Time alone.
- Jesus spoke and taught with authority. God, help me to walk in Your authority. Not with pride or boastfulness but with assurance. I want to be convinced and convincing. And help me to communicate clearly today as I have opportunity. Help me make that a priority.
- The importance of a daily time alone with God can’t be minimized. Jesus felt it necessary– I must make it necessary. Lord, I’ve not been as faithful as I need to be to get alone with you. Help me to make that an indispensable priority in my life.
Several of you are doing the exercise this week and I'm so glad. It would be neat if a number of us come out of this series with a commitment to train spiritually on a daily basis.
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