Some of the things I observed were that Jesus interrupted their work. They were almost finished; they were cleaning their nets. Peter didn't want to do it but he did it anyway. I noticed that they caught so many fish they needed help to bring them in and that Peter's response to this was worship. I also see that Peter must have showed fear because Jesus says, "Don't be afraid." The story ends with Jesus challenging them to change the focus of their lives.
Interpretation is us putting the text in our own words so that we understand it. Here's what I wrote. Jesus is teaching along the sea of Galilee and he notices some boats on the shore. He decides it would be good to teach from the boat. Maybe it would help people see him or maybe it would enab

The application part of inductive Bible study is the most personal. What is God saying to me? For me I felt the Lord tell me I need to be like Peter-- obedient even when I don't want to be. There are things that God asks me to do because I love him and trust him that I don't want to do. This morning I asked him to help me obey, like Peter, when I think I know best. I asked him to help me trust him. The second thing I took away from the text was that God wanted me to devote myself to fishing for men. Fishing for fish, whatever my livelihood, is a good thing but being a fisher of men is what God wants for me. I asked him to help me today fish for men.
How about you? What did God say to you? In our family devotions Katie shared that she notice that Peter had the biggest catch he'd ever had but the story says he left that behind and began to follow Jesus. She prayed that God might help her put a much greater value on following Him than she does on her earthly possessions.
Inductive Bible study is a great place to start as we begin to understand and apply the Bible. How about sharing your application? If you have a moment, why not share your application in the comments.
Remember Mr. Ortberg's definition of training: "It is arranging my life around those activities that will enable me to do what I can't now do by direct effort." Arranging your life around the activity of Bible study will enable you to know God's Word in a way you can never know by simply wishing it were so. I hope you will keep this practice up.
My application was alot like yours and Katies. I felt like the Lord was asking, yes am I willing to give up everything to follow? I say I am but, how about in my day to day life, am I willing to set aside my discouragement after having a bad day (after fishing all night and getting nowhere) and obey in whatever form that takes, ie. give thanks, serve my husband, not snap at my kids, sit down and have time with the Lord when I'd rather just relax or go to bed :). Anyway... this has been good. I'm enjoying doing this Jimmy, thanks for encouraging us. I'm finding my observations and interpretations are getting muddled together alot but even so it really makes me think and that's the important part right :)
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